2025 Upcoming Shows
(listed by venue below calendar)
2025 Dates (and more on the way)
Tim and Lisa on every other Wednesday, January-December on January 8 & 22, February 5 & 19, March 5 & 19, April 2 & 16 (Lisa and PAT) & 30, May 14 & 28, June 11 & 25, July 9 & 23 (Lisa and PAT), August 6 & 20, Sept. 3 & 17, October 1 & 15 (Tim) & 29, Nov. 12 & 26, Dec. 10; 6:00-9:00pm; 12 W. Bridge St., Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 889-6100; www.mezzodublin.com (nice weather = open patio); Special note that Tim plays solo on the other Wednesdays!
Fadó Irish Pub at Easton
Lisa, Tim, and Pat on Jan. 24, Feb. 21, March 21, April 25, May 23, June 27, July 11, August 29, Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, and Dec. 19; 7:00pm-10:00pm; 4022 Townsfair Way, Columbus, OH 43219; (614) 418-0066; www.fadoirishpub.com
Fadó Pub and Kitchen in Dublin
Lisa, Tim, and Pat on Feb. 7, March 7, April 11, May 9, June 13, skip July, August 15, Sept. 12, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, and Dec. 5; 8:00pm-11:00pm; 6652 Riverside Dr, Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 408-1500; www.fadopubandkitchen.com
Sweet Harmony Canal
Tim and Pat on February 1s and Lisa, Tim, and Pat on March 22, April 26, May 17, June 21, skip July, August 16, Sept. 27, Oct. TBA, Nov. TBA, and Dec. TBA; 8:00pm-11:00pm; 30 Liberty St, Canal Winchester, OH 43110; (614) 321-4567; www.sweetharmonycanal.com; Outside food welcome & food truck on site!
Lisa and Tim on Sundays Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 9, April 13; 5:00-8:00pm; 35 N. High St, Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 792-3466; www.tuccisdublin.com
Tim on most Saturdays; 6:00-9:00pm; 10241 Sawmill Pkwy, Powell, OH 43065; (614) 791-8100; vittoriacolumbus.com
Local Roots in the Beer Garden
Lisa, Tim, & Pat on the 1st Thursday of the Month, May-October (May 1, June 5, skip July, August 7, September 4, October 2 ); 6:30-9:30pm; 15 E Olentangy St., Powell, OH 43065; (614) 602-8060; www.localrootspowell.com; This show is outside and weather-permitting. Reservations suggested.
Ghostwriter Public House
Lisa, Tim, & Pat on the 3rd Thursday of the Month, May-October (May 15, June 19, July 17 (Lisa and Pat), August 21, September 18); 6:00-8:45pm; 49-1/2 S Main St., Johnstown, OH 43031; (740) 809-1104; https://ghostwriterph.com/; outside weather permitting, inside as needed
Johnstown Farmers Market
Join the trio at this family-friendly event on Wednesday, June 4; 5:00-7:30pm; Johnstown, Ohio; https://www.johnstownlifestyle.org/farmers-market
Lincoln Way Vineyards
Lisa and Tim on Friday August 8; 6:00-8:30pm; 9050 W. Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691; (330) 804-9463; https://lincolnwayvineyards.com/; Food truck on site!
Black Swan Bar & Grill
Lisa, Tim, and Pat on November 14; 7:00-10:00pm, 5414 Roberts Rd., Hilliard, OH 43026; (614) 319-3091; https://www.facebook.com/black.swan.614
Dempsey Event Center, Delaware
Tim and Lisa private event, May 16; 6:00-9:00pm
Columbus Convention Center (pending)
Lisa, Tim, and Pat at the National Head Start Conference, Monday, May 19